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What does a parent account look like?

Learn how a parent account works with Marathon Kids

Stefanie Ediger avatar
Written by Stefanie Ediger
Updated over a month ago

As a coach, you have the option to invite parents to follow their child's progress and/or submit miles from home to you.

If you include a parent email when you add participants, they receive an email invitation to create their Marathon Kids parent account that connects them to their child(ren).

You as coach set the parent permissions when you choose the club type.

Here's a quick peek at a parent account. This parent belongs to a Hybrid Person Club Type.

  • If you have selected In Person Club Type, the parent sees a message across the "Log Miles Tile" that says this feature has been disabled.

What information is on the Parent Dashboard?

The Left-hand Menu:

  • Resources - Access to the Resource Library

  • Partners - View available promotions offered by our Sponsors

  • Store - shop the Marathon Kids eStore for incentives for your child

  • Clubs - Access each child's dashboard by clicking on the running club name

Top Section:

View the unlocked digital milestone stickers achieved by the runner. These stickers will unlock as the milestones are reached by the runner.

The Overview Tab:

Laps - the number of laps completed on the organizational track.

Miles - the total number of miles completed by the participant.

Marathons - the total number of marathons completed by the participant.

Ranking - there are three rankings for each participant that appear in this order:

  • Organizational/Club Ranking

  • Class Ranking

  • Grade Level Ranking

Monthly Bar Graph - shows the number of miles conquered for each month.

Days Active - the number of days of physical activity has been recorded for the participant.

Log Miles - The Log Miles tile allows you to submit miles completed at home to the coach to be approved.

*Depending on the club type selected by your coach, you may or may not have the ability to submit miles

Additional Tabs

Submissions - this shows all the miles the parent has submitted to the coach and the status of the miles.

History - this shows all the miles the child has earned at school and at home.

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