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Timed-Run Feature

How to use the Timed-Run feature on the scanner app

Stefanie Ediger avatar
Written by Stefanie Ediger
Updated over 2 months ago

The Timed-Run feature is a great tool to use to know the amount of time it takes for a participant to complete each lap around the track or total mile time.

The timed-run feature can only be used on a track you have created in your Marathon Kids account.

Lap Time

If you are wanting to see the time for every lap around the track, participants will scan their ID cards for every lap they complete.

Things to know and consider:

  • Once you click start there's a 5-second countdown before the timer starts. So countdown before saying GO.

    • We recommend starting a live session on multiple devices versus using the Join Live Session feature.

    • Each device will have its own timer.

  • You can not edit participants' lap times.

  • This feature can only be used on a track that requires 15 laps or less to complete a mile.

  • Participants will need to go to the same device to scan their ID card for the timed run.

  • Practice a timed run with participants before relying on accurate times.

    • How many devices will you need to prevent a backup at the scanner?

    • Divide participants up:

      • For each device you start a live session; countdown that group of students, have them start, and always scan on that device.

  • To view the data from a timed run session, pull a Timed-Run Report after the scans have been synced.

    • Example of the Timed-Run Report for a 1/4 mile track. (.25 per lap)

      • You'll see the time at which the ID card was scanned and lap 4 is the total time for the mile.

Mile Time

If your goal is to see a mile time for your participants you must create a 1-mile track with a lap distance that equals 1 mile.

Once you click start there's a 5-second countdown before the timer starts. So countdown before saying GO.

Participants would complete the number of laps on your track to make a mile and only scan their ID card as they complete the last lap.

Things to know and consider:

  • We recommend starting a live session on multiple devices versus using the Join Live Session feature.

    • Each device will have its own timer.

  • You can not edit participants' lap times.

  • Practice a timed run with participants before relying on accurate times.

    • How many devices will you need to prevent a backup at the scanner?

      • Divide participants up:

        • For each device you start a live session; countdown that group of students, have them start, and then always scan on that device.

  • View the Timed-Run Report after the session has been synced

    • The mile time will be reflected under Lap 1 in the report

Instructions for Turning on the Timed-Run feature

  1. Log into the scanner app.

  2. Select your club. Press Run.

  3. Select the track and turn on the Timed Run button. It will turn green.

*Note: In order to run a Timed Run Report, the Timed Feature must be toggled on

Helpful Related Articles:

Adding a Track or Activity

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