Who’s in the lead?
The Leaderboard report ranks your runners in order by miles earned.
Things to consider:
Depending on the filters you select you can view your top runners by an overall view, by class, by grade, or by gender.
You can choose to view the top 10, 25, 50, or all runners ranked in order.
Read the information on the filters below to help you pull the report to match your expectations.
The Date Range on the report can be used to create fun time-bound challenges within your season to potentially get new leaders!
Here's an example of a Leaderboard report:
Date Range: Full date range (start of the club to the current date)
Tracks/Activities - All
Group by- None
Top Count - Top 10
Name Format - Last Name, First Name
These are the top 10 participants regardless of grade, class, or gender.
Understanding the Filter Options for the Leaderboard Report
Date Range
Drill down to one day, one week, or the time frame you choose. The Date Range helps you create fun challenges within your season.
Select "all tracks/activities" to see the accumulated total miles earned
Or select the tracks/activities you’d like to use to see who's in the lead.
Group by
There are four options to group your participants:
None - this will look at your overall top runners regardless of their class, grade, and gender.
Class - this groups your top runners by class.
Grade - this groups your top runners by grade.
Gender - this groups your top runners by gender.
Select all or select the class by checking the box next to the class name.
Top Count -
The top count you select will be the number of participants that will be displayed.
The top count will give you either top 10, 25, 50, or all runners.
Here are a few examples:
Group by None and select Top 10 - you will see the top 10 participants listed regardless of their class, grade, or their gender.
Group by Class and select Top 25 - you will see the top 25 participants for each class you select.
Group by Grade and select Top 50 - you will see the top 50 participants for each grade based on the classes you select.
Group by Gender and select none for the top count - you will see all participants in the classes you select, sorted by gender listed in order by highest miles.
Name Format
There are four options:
Name + ID (Last Name, First Initial, ID)
Name (Last Name, First Name)
Name (First Name, Last Name)
Name (Last Name, First Initial)
ID only
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