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Reports Overview

Reports to keep your participants updated and drive motivation.

Stefanie Ediger avatar
Written by Stefanie Ediger
Updated yesterday

Reports are a great way to celebrate participants and the club's efforts as well as build community around physical activity.

  • There are seven different types of reports.

  • Each report can be customized with filters.

    • The date range filter helps you create mini-challenges throughout the season and look at the data for specific programs or events.

Where do I find reports?

The blue “Report” button can be found on the Impact Report on the right-hand side of the Overview screen.

The Seven Reports

  • Runner Mileage Report - This gives you a list of total miles for each runner grouped by class and filtered by start/end date, tracks/activities, grade, and class.

  • Grade Leaderboard Report - This gives you the total mileage for each class and each grade level with a visual bar graph that displays who’s in the lead.

  • Leaderboard Report- You can filter to see your top runners overall, by gender, by class, or by grade. You have the option to see all runners ranked or the top 10, 25, or 50 runners.

  • Achievement Report- This helps you to know who’s hit a mileage milestone and is ready to be celebrated. Our mileage milestones are 5, 10, 13.1, 26.2, 52.4, 78.6 and 104.8 miles.

  • Mileage Certificates YTD- This allows you to print certificates at any time during the season. This will print the participant’s current mileage as of that date. (YTD = year to date)

  • Season Report - Depending on the filters you choose, this report shows you the mileage for each participant, as well as their mileage totals for each type of track/ activity and mileage totals for each month.

    • It is the only report that downloads as a CSV file that can be viewed in Excel or Google Sheets.

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