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Tips for Cold Weather

Quick things to keep in mind for cold weather

Stefanie Ediger avatar
Written by Stefanie Ediger
Updated over a month ago

As a general rule of thumb, temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit are recommended for outdoor activity. Be sure to follow the guidelines of your school or community organizations.

Pay attention to the windchill factor to get the most accurate idea of the comfort level for moving outdoors. Knowing the signs of hypothermia and frostbite are key to keeping your participants safe.

Cold Weather Tips


Bundle in layers that can be removed as kids heat up, especially protecting the head and hands.


Kids and adults need to prepare their bodies for physical activity as well as slow down after moving to perform well and prevent injury. We provide a short list of warm-ups and cool-downs in the Resource Library.


Too cold to out? Play indoor running games to allow kids to reach moderate to vigorous activity levels (MVPA) and earn some miles. Remember, 20 minutes of MVPA equals 1 Marathon Kids mile.


Drinking water is a great way to help your body regulate temperature and remind kids just because they aren't sweating doesn't mean they don't need to drink water during exercise.


Ensure your route is free of any weather-related obstacles that may pose a hazard.


Allow time to take a break indoors to keep warm, or to remove any unnecessary layers.

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