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Grade Leaderboard Report

Total miles for each grade and class.

Brandon Trodick avatar
Written by Brandon Trodick
Updated yesterday

The Grade/Class Mileage report gives you the total mileage for each class and each grade level along with a visual bar graph.

This report can help you create fun, healthy competition among grades and classes by using the date range feature to create shorter time-bound challenges.

Filter Options

Depending on the filters selected, you will see the total miles accumulated by your selections.

  • Date Range - you can drill down to one day, one week, or the time frame you choose.

  • Tracks/Activities - you have the option to select all tracks/activities or as many that you’d like to view. The miles for participants will be accumulated by the track/activities you select.

  • Grade - select all or select the grades by checking the box next to the name

  • Classes - select all or select the classes by checking the box next to the name

  • Participant Name Format - you have four options.

    • Name + ID (Last Name, First Initial, ID)

    • Name (Last Name, First Initial)

    • Name (Last Name, First Name)

    • ID Only

PAGE ONE of the Grade Leaderboard Report

The first page is a summary that will show the top performing grade according to their “Total Miles” and lists all other grades below in descending order.

The bar graph provides a visual representation of that data.

Example: the date range is filtered to one week of activity with all tracks/activities, all grades, and all classes selected.

PAGE TWO of the Grade Leaderboard Mileage Report

The second page of the report lists each class grouped by grade level.

The grades will be listed in numerical order. Each class will be listed with the number of participants in the class participating, the total days active for that class, and the total miles for the class. Then the grade level total will be tallied.

Days Active

  • the number of days of participation was recorded for each class

Grade Total Days Active

  • Sums the unique days active for each class

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